From the President | February 2022

Volunteering - The Basics

During the course of the HGS year, you can expect to read in the President column at least once about the subject of volunteering. Elsewhere in the Bulletin, on our web page, and our social media the message comes through, too, on the importance of lending your support to the functions and activities of HGS in the form of volunteering. Although the process of becoming an HGS volunteer may seem self-explanatory to us old hands, I can see how it might seem a bit overwhelming to a member starting out. The thought occurred to me that it wouldn’t hurt to walk through the organization and process, starting at the basics.

A look on the first page of every HGS Bulletin provides s a listing of all committees and Board functions within the Society. It gives a concise overview of all the activities performed within HGS in the course of a year.  It may appear at first glance to be a big, disorganized mess, but there is a method to the apparent madness. All committee work is tied to the mission of HGS in reaching out, educating the wider society, and informing and inspiring our own geologic community. Some of these committees handle a one-time annual event, some are monthly, while others address the day-to-day operations of the Society. A closer look allows a grouping of the committees into scientific-oriented, socially focused, or administrative. Behind the scene, the “committee” often consists of only one person, others may look and function like a true committee (with all the leadership, complimentary skills, and social aspects of the team  concept organization). From the standpoint of offering opportunity to those who desire more involvement in the largest Society of its kind in the world, there truly is something for everyone wishing to contribute.  

Most professionals, we observe, are multi-faceted in their interests, passions, and curiosities . They may have achieved a measure of fulfillment in their career lives, but they may have additional interests, some of which may compliment their specialized careers. These interests take the form of hobbies, books, new learnings and skills. Often these lead to joining groups with others of like interests. As if these new interests weren't fulfilling enough, strategy experts in career development constantly remind us of the importance of widening our range of skills and experience in our professional lives. It is difficult to imagine a place that offers more such opportunity than volunteer committee and leadership work in HGS. 

If you have some of these outside interests, if you are becoming concerned about painting yourself in a professional corner by having a too-focused specialized skill range, if you want to present yourself to the industry as a more balanced, broadly skilled job candidate, start your search for solutions within HGS.

If you are an MBA type, our Finance Committee and International Group Treasurer both show vacancies (again, page 1 in the Bulletin shows this). Let board members know that you are available.. we move our Treasurer and Treasurer-Elect positions up every year. If you are an ace number-cruncher it is the fastest route to a Board position. We are trying to re-activate the Northsiders Group (for monthly lunch meetings) and Outcrop Family Camping has been inactive a while. And these are just from the “formal” vacancies. But don’t assume these are the only ones. The truth is there are many more committee needs that aren’t expressed formally (committee heads are always thinking about a succession plan).

If you have an interest in computer, software, social media, web design and management, data and digital tech there are several relevant committees that can be contacted (or call Andi and Alyssa in the office). Video skills are increasingly valuable.. notify Linda Sternbach you want to join (or take over) this committee. Project management experience is gold these days. Nearly all committee work involves design and execution of projects in some capacity. Cheryl Desforges and Thom Tucker in Continuing Education are always looking for additional help and ideas. The Neogeos are always needing new ideas and execution of those. It’s a great way for early career members to jump start into HGS volunteer work. Consider contacting Steve Johansen or Letha Slagle to learn about Educational Outreach opportunities (this is a very robust and rapidly expanding committee).

The small (committee-of-one) instances provide opportunities. Committee “chairs” who could use a partner, someone to bounce ideas with and perhaps groom to take over. The committee structure is dynamic and always changing. If you have an idea for a new committee, try pitching it to a board member.

I have just touched on a few examples here. HGS provides many opportunities for expanding your business skills and fulfilling your need for additional experience.

Back to that first page in the Bulletin. Contact information for all the committees and board members is shown. Do not hesitate to reach out to us. Don’t count on us finding you!

Come join us... we’ve got something for everyone.

Mike Erpenbeck
President, HGS