New Educational Outreach Committee forming!

A note from Jennifer Burton, HGS Director.Earth Science education needs you! It’s hard to believe, but in some places in our local community, Earth science education is limited for lack of resources. The Houston Geological Society is forming a comprehensive committee to umbrella the current Academic Liason, Earth Science Week, and Museum of Natural Science committees.  This new committee will work with many of the other committees that have student outreach functions including Engineering Council of Houston, Imperial Barrel, NeoGeos, Scholarships and TechnoConference. Did you know that the HGS regularly receives inquiries for volunteer geologists to come to area schools?Do you have a passion or interest to help? Teachers at both the K-12 and early collegiate levels want HGS member help. For many years we have had a very small but dedicated group of volunteers who have spent their time, resources, and brain power to provide educational outreach to our community. They serve at science fairs, museums, scouting events, conferences, libraries and inside the classroom at local schools all over the Houston area. All have experienced a personal reward in passing on their knowledge and seeing new generations of students become excited about science. With the almost exponential decline in interest of science and math among US students, we have an opportunity to make an impression and possibly inspire the next generation of geoscientists. You have the opportunity to shape the direction of this committee and to determine how and where we should apply our resources. Education is the primary external function of the HGS and you can help us meet our mission to bring earth science enrichment to our community. Interested??  Please contact HGS Board Director: Jennifer Burton at Send an email and I will include you on the email list and get you involved in local Earth Science volunteer opportunities.

Jennifer Burton
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Community Outreach