From the Editor- September 2010

What is in a Bulletin
This summer is proving to be very productive. My goal was to develop a plan for the 2010-11 HGS Bulletin. I believe that my time has been well spent. I have met with my editorial team, discussed some ideas with colleagues and family members, and also reviewed some of the other geosciences news magazines. After some thought, I have decided that my musings this year will cover a broad range of topics including the education of our children and grandchildren, changes in our science and business over the past thirty years (i.e., what has happened over my career), individual professional development, and the events of 2010, which appears to be a year to remember.
This month I will acquaint readers with the processes that transform a few articles and advertisements into a high quality, professional journal. The Bulletin is posted monthly on the HGS website, but it remains available to all members in hard copy; a service which has become less common. The income generated from advertisers helps enable HGS to provide this service.
The editorial and production teams work on a very tight production schedule during the last two weeks of each month to produce the 64+ pages of monthly content. The timeline was developed to ensure a targeted delivery by the first of each month for the greater Houston-based membership. For those who live outside of Houston and overseas, the HGS staff hopes that delivery remains timely enough for the material to be useful.
Mechanics are important but I continue to believe that content is the key to the success of the Bulletin. The backbone for each monthly issue remains the extended technical abstracts for the six HGS monthly meetings. Each month we target to include abstracts for two General Meetings (a luncheon and dinner meeting), an International Meeting, a North America Meeting, a Northsiders Meeting, and an Environmental and Engineering Meeting. It is our aim to ensure, along with those responsible for each of the monthly meetings, that the topics are timely and that there is sufficient technical content in the abstract and associated figures to standalone and provide value to those members unable to attend. The Bulletin also publishes the extended abstract each month for the Houston Chapter of SIPES.
In addition, the Bulletin will publish technical notes that are considered of potential interest to the membership. When a note is received, a rapid technical review is undertaken, normally by someone other than the editorial team. If no fatal flaw is detected in the manuscript, it is copy-edited and published typically in the next issue to be assembled. So if there is something technically interesting that you would like to share with the membership, please feel free to forward your manuscript to the Editor.
The Bulletin publishes two editorials each month, one prepared by the HGS President and a second by the Editor. Strictly speaking there are no clear rules as to content or length of these editorials. They tend to address topics that are of concern and interest to both the individual at the keyboard and, we hope, the general membership. The editorials may focus on issues facing HGS members, as well as the profession in general, or may simply highlight an interesting professional or personal event. The board encourages each of our members to let us know your thoughts and whether we have hit or missed the target. Please remember that letters to the editor can expand beyond commenting on the thoughts of the President and the Editor.
We are also open to publishing member news, as long as it does not represent a business advertisement. The Bulletin continues to highlight news and events important to members and their spouses. This is reflected in part in two monthly columns, the Government Update and the Houston Petroleum Auxiliary Council (HPAC) News, a monthly calendar and listing of geo-events. These regular items are supplemented with detailed announcements of events sponsored by HGS and associated organizations, such as Guest Night, the various tournaments, and major national or regional meetings to be held in the greater Houston area. Following these various events, reviews and reports are sought and published. We also attempt to keep the membership informed of the major actions and activities of the various HGS committees.
Every year the HGS honors individuals for their service and achievements. Citations for HGS awards (Honorary Memberships, President’s Awards, Outstanding Service Awards, and HGS outstanding student awards and scholarship winners) are published annually. An issue of the Bulletin is also dedicated to inform the membership about the candidates for the HGS Board and now the AAPG House of Delegates. The staff hopes that sufficient information is provided so that you, the members, can make intelligent decisions when selecting our future leaders. Let us know if this helps or if more information is needed.
Other items that are considered for publication include book reviews, photographs, and cartoons. We are always looking for reviews of geology related books, including geologist’s memoirs, new technical publicat ions (compilat ion volumes and monographs), and field guides. So if you have recently read something that you would like to comment on or share your opinion with HGS members, please send the information to the office or the Editor.
Photographs with geologic appeal are in great demand for use on the covers of the Bulletin and throughout as fillers. In addition, photographs from all of the society’s meetings and socials are welcome. Are there any hidden artists out there? Original cartoons would also be appreciated. So what goes into the Bulletin? In simplest terms it contains news and technical information. However, our journal can include anything that you, the members, are interested in and willing to help create.
Until next month…

Barry Katz
Thursday, September 9, 2010
From the Editor