The Wise Report

The Wise Report
Henry M. Wise, P.G.
March 15, 2009
As reported previously, the TCEQ has removed the PST Program from the TRRP Program.  The new rules have been printed in the latest Texas Register.  They can be found at:
John Mikels, with GEOS Consulting informs me that the Austin Geologic Society's Executive Committee is currently drafting a letter to each of the TEA/SBOE Board members on the evolution, creationism issue, to keep science as true science.  I also understand (through the AGI) that other geologic societies around the country have also been writing to the TEA/SBOE Board on this subject.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The following is a list of new legislation that may be of interest to Texas geologists.  For those who've been following the legislative developments, you'll notice that this list has expanded considerably.  Those bills listed with an "*" are new listings, those in bold are updated information.
S.B 136.  Author:  Ellis.  2/10/2009-Referred to Natural Resources.  Relating to the Texas Global Warming Solutions Act; imposing a fee and providing a penalty. For full details go to:

S.B. 273 (same as H.B. 177).   Author:  Nichols.  2/11/2009-Referred to Natural Resources. Relating to testing requirements for certain commercial injection wells.  This bill allows for additional soil testing and groundwater monitoring.  Full details can be found at:
H.B. 177 (same as S.B. 273, above).   Author:  Creighton.  2/12/2009-Referred to Natural Resources.  Relating to testing requirements for certain commercial injection wells.  This bill allows for additional soil testing and groundwater monitoring.  Full details can be found at:
S.B. 274 (same as H.B. 178).  Author:  Nichols. 2/11/2009-Referred to Natural Resources.  Relating to limitation on the location of injection wells.  Prohibits injection wells near faults, in recharge zones, and within 0.5 miles of water supply wells, residences, schools, churches, etc.  Doesn't say what type of injection wells and therefore has the potential to shut down ISR mining.  Full details can be found at:
H.B. 178 (same as S.B. 274, as above).  Author:  Creighton.  2/12/2009-Referred to Natural Resources.  Relating to limitation on the location of injection wells.  Prohibits injection wells near faults, in recharge zones, and within 0.5 miles of water supply wells, residences, schools, churches, etc.  Doesn't say what type of injection wells and therefore has the potential to shut down ISR mining.  Full details can be found at:
S.B. 275 (same as H.B. 179).  Author:  Nichols.  2/11/2009-Referred to Natural Resources.  Relating to the application of new requirements for commercial underground injection control wells to be adopted by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.  Full details can be found at:  http://www.capitol.state.tx.u

Henry M. Wise
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Government Update