New Paleontology Portal on SVP Website

Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
60 Revere Drive, Suite 500, Northbrook, IL 60062
Phone: (847) 480-9095 Fax: (847) 480-9282
E-mail: Web site:
Public Rollout of the Paleontology Portal
Scheduled for May 1, 2005!

The New Portal is Located at
This award-winning Web site provides immediate access to paleontology in the United States through interactive geologic maps and time scales, an image gallery, distributed paleontological collections data searches, and more. As there will be a public rollout for the site on May 1, now is the time to make sure that your state and your institution are well represented.
1. Visit your state page and enrich it by submitting more links and images -- just use the "add to site" button at the top of the page.
2. Add any events that you would like to register on the calendar-- again, just use the "add to site" button.
3. Take advantage of the May 1 public rollout to advertise any events or exhibits through a joint press release.
4. Help spread the word!
The Paleontology Portal is produced by the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, the Paleontological Society, the U.S. Geological Survey, and the UC Museum of Paleontology, in collaboration with the Paleontological Research Institute, the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History and the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, which serve as hubs for the project. The National Science Foundation under award no. 0234594 funds the project. For more information contact Judy Scotchmoor.
First Circular:
The First Circular for the 65th Annual Meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology has mailed and will arrive in your mailbox within the next few days. A PDF copy is posted for download on the SVP Web site.
Abstract Submission Site:
The abstract submission site is now open and accepting abstract submissions.
The deadline to submit an abstract is April 11, 2005.
SVP Awards, Prizes, Scholarships and Grants:
Members who plan on submitting an application or nominating someone for an SVP Award, Prize or Grant are reminded that the deadline is April 11, 2005.
Preparator''s Grant
This message is to encourage any and all who might be interested to consider submitting an application for a Preparator''s Grant. The grant is the largest award given by the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology each year--$5800 was awarded in 2004, and generally around $5000 is given annually to support projects that will further the field of vertebrate paleontology through the advancement of preparation.
The grant is funded through the generosity of Dr. Joseph F. Chance, and has had a major impact on the training of preparators, the development of new techniques and use of new media, and the improvement of standards for the proper treatment and stabilization of fossils. It is open to all in the vertebrate paleontological community, and, for example, is appropriate for situations where important fossil material might benefit from the help of outside expertise or training; where preparators can learn new ways of preparing fossil material; where novel techniques might be developed; or where comparative studies might be made on the use of different media for consolidation or other tasks.
The application is relatively brief and simple to complete (three pages, and a short CV-please keep the CV to no more than three pages). The application should be sent to Dr. William J. Sanders, Vertebrate Paleontology, Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 1109 Geddes Avenue, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1079 USA. The DEADLINE is 11 April 2005. If you are involved in any aspect of preparation, please consider applying for this award.
2005 Spring News Bulletin #188:
The SVP Spring News Bulletin #188 is now available for viewing and downloading.
Member User ID and Password Information:
In order to view and print the News Bulletin, you will need a user id and password. Misplaced your user id and password? Retrieve your user id and password via e-mail.
Have You Moved?
Has your email address changed or have you have moved recently? Remember to update your mailing address and contact information on the SVP Web site. Remember, this is the address for all mailed SVP correspondence, including the Journal.

Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
Saturday, April 30, 2005