Game Day - Pick Your Game and Have a Play Day

Don’t miss the HGA Annual Game Day, set for Monday, February 11. Daisy Wood and her committee have a day of fun, prizes, good company and great food planned. Participants are encouraged to make up a table of their own game: bridge, canasta, mahjong, poker, bunco, etc. This much-anticipated event will be held at the Junior League from 10:00 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Lunch will be served at Noon. Call Daisy Wood, 713-977-7319 for further information and reservations.
HGA needs cheerful volunteers to work at Registration and in the Hospitality Room for the AAPG Convention March 10-13. If you can help, please contact Kathryn Bennett or Norma Jean Jones for the Hospitality Room or Millie Tonn for Registration. This is a good opportunity to see and greet old friends and make new ones.

Houston Geological Society
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
HGA 2002-2003