From the 2002-2003 HGA President

This time last year it was with excitement and yes, I’ll admit, with some trepidation as well, I began my tenure as President. It has been a wonderful year and we’ll be closing with our Annual Meeting on May 22, 2003 as a new slate of officers will be introduced. Our program, “International Extravaganza,” will include members of HGA modeling fashions brought back from living or traveling in foreign countries, a performance of international dancers, and a buffet luncheon. This event will be held at the Houston Racquet Club and chaired by Sara Nan Grubb, Delores Humphrey, and Hellen Hutchison.
What has made our year flow so easily, has been the dedication, cooperation, and hard work of our Board members and members of our committees. I sincerely thank all of you.
Special thanks go to the following:
Sandra Pezzetta - our First Vice President, for her creative planning of our parties.Winona LaBrant Smith - for her impeccable reporting of our minutes.Linnie Edwards - for collecting dues and working to increase our membership, hosting a Board meeting in her home, and assisting with SOS.Janet Steinmetz - for keeping us well informed on our finances.Gwinn Lewis - for all her time spent putting our Yearbook together and being so generous opening her home to us for the April Board meeting and tea.Kathryn Bennett and Jan Eads - for getting our Eclectic Logs to us.Jeanne Cooley and Beverly Van Siclen - for sending out cards to members who were ill or suffered the loss of a loved one and also providing us with name tags.Edie Frick - for helping cover our news in the HGS Bulletin.Pat Hefner - for putting out the Eclectic Log and doing a bang-up professional job.Pat Burkman - our Historian and Photographer, who made us laugh while recording all our “doings.”Millie Tonn - for never seeming to get tired of all my questions, serving as Parliamentarian and helping out at SOS.Daisy Wood - for her indefatigable work on Game Day, one of our more popular events.Our Directors - Edie Bishop, Mildred Davis, Mary Harle, and Millie Tonn.Please extend Betty Alfred, my successor, all the support each and every one of you gave to me. I have no doubt that the HGA will continue to be a source of fun, support, and camaraderie.Our membership drive is ongoing so please work on its expansion.
It has truly been an honor to serve as your President and I will treasure the memory.

Houston Geological Society
Thursday, May 1, 2003
HGA 2002-2003