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Origin of the Shrimp Peel August 1, 1998 Houston Geological Society

In the matter of entertainment, honorary life member Howard Kiatta relishes telling about the time that professionals of the southwest Louisiana area, where he worked for Texaco for many years, wou

A New Technique: Geophysics Charter HGS Members Advance Technology August 1, 1998 Houston Geological Society

The history of the Houston Geological Society is the history of a new science-petroleum geology. Applied geophysics is an important technique of this new science.

Profile: Thomas D. Barber August 1, 1998 Houston Geological Society

After a long and successful career in petroleum exploration, Tom Barber is semi-retired but still very much in the business of working up drilling prospects for the industry.

Outcrop Mapping and Avoiding Moonshiners The Adventures of 1930 HGS President August 1, 1998 Houston Geological Society

One colorful geologist who left an impact in Houston, and the rest of the country, was our 1930 president, J. Brian Eby.

Past President's Corner Words from Past Presidents August 1, 1998 Houston Geological Society

Jim 0. LewisHGS President, 1968-69Reprinted from the HGS Bulletin, VoL 11, 1969, No. 10, p.3

The Stag Parties Social Mores and Niceties of a Past Age August 1, 1998 Houston Geological Society

In discussing his tenure of office (1936-37), Phil Martyn with a twinkle in his eye said, "Miss Ellisor, don't forget to mention the stag parties in the History." The first of three stag parties wa

Houston Geological Society 1928-1973 HGS 50th Anniversary August 1, 1998 Houston Geological Society

I had the honor of being HGS president for the 50th lanniversary. The society was vigorous and serving the members well.

January, 1999 HGS Meetings Calendar January 1, 1999 HGS 1999 Website

January, 1999HGS Meetings

January, 1999 HGS Seminars, Courses and Field Trips January 1, 1999 1999 HGS Website

January, 1999Seminars, Short Courses, and Field Trips

1998 Member Remembrances January 1, 1999 HGS Bulletin

1998 Member Remembrances

Aronow, Saul
May 16, 1998