The AAPG-SEG IMAGE24 Annual Meeting at the George R Brown Convention Center features 4 sessions on Gulf of Mexico Onshore and Offshore plays that you will not want to miss. The 4 sessions are all in Room 361B on Tuesday August 27 from 8 am to 5 pm. Check out the program online at
HGS members are both speaking at the IMAGE 24 sessions, and serving as session coordinators. Thanks to all the session chairs listed for their volunteer service on organizing the speaker schedule.
This is a great networking opportunity for HGS members to meet fellow geoscientists active in Gulf of Mexico exploration, production and applied geoscience.
Tuesday 8 am-10:20 am -Room 361B
Gulf of Mexico Overview
Room 361B Session Chairs: Sharon Cornelius, Carl Steffensen
8:00 a.m. Comparing crustal type and rift processes along three transects during the Late Jurassic breakup of west Equatorial Pangea: West Texas–Colombia (western); Arkansas–Gulf of Mexico–Venezuela (central); and Mississippi–Suriname (eastern) James Pindell1, Teunis Heyn2
8:25 a.m. Magmatic margins, ridge jumps and isochrons: A refined tectonic model of the Gulf of Mexico Timothy Grow1, Pablo Cervantes Laing1,
8:50 a.m. How deep was the pre-salt depositional surface in the Gulf of Mexico: What have we learned from ancient salt giants and modern analogues? Teunis Heyn1, James Pindell4, Timothy F. Lawton2, John Bain3
9:15 a.m. Jurassic structures of the eastern Gulf of Mexico: Sakarn, Louann, Norphlet, and Breakup Vernon Moore1, Sara Donnelly1, Elmar Moser1
Tuesday 10:20 am to 11:30 am 361B
Gulf of Mexico Salt Tectonics
Room 361B Session Chairs Teunis Heyn, Julie Bloxson
10:20 a.m. Megaflaps as prolific subsalt structures in the eastern Gulf of Mexico Peter Lanzarone1, David Lankford-Bravo1, Sandra Garzon1, Benjamin Schupack1, Gabriel Ritter1
10:45 a.m. Unraveling US GoM North Green Canyon subsalt complexities with sparse nodes Katarina Jonke1, Jingqian Kang1, Sandra Garzon1, Gino Alexander1, Ganyuan Xia1, Gabriel Ritter1, Ahmed Afifi1
11:10 a.m. FWI panacea in sub-salt setting: Are we there yet? A case study from a deepwater field, GOM Gopal Mohapatra1, Bill Kilsdonk1, Greg Duncan1, Llew Vincent1, Geoffrey Bent1
Tuesday 1:20 pm to 3:00pm 361B
Gulf of Mexico Wilcox Onshore and Offshore
Room 361B Session Chairs Christine Griffith, David Lankford-Bravo
1:20 p.m. Deepwater Reservoir Characterization & Prediction: a New Way to Think About Sand
Morgan Sullivan1, Fabien Laugier1, Peter Sixsmith1, Erin Meyers1, Bruce Power1
1:45 p.m. Shenandoah, the crown jewel of the Gulf of Mexico Paleogene: a Lower Wilcox sub-basin entry point Jacob Bayer1, Jamie Vinnels1, Matt V. Griend1, Austin Boles1, Eric Beckham1, James Lambuth1,
2:10 p.m. Advances in Wilcox Group stratigraphy, the impact of provenance, paleoclimate and tectonics on history of sedimentation in the Paleocene-Eocene sequences in the Gulf of Mexico Timothy Pearce5, David Riley1, Jesal Hirani2, Neil Campion3, Paul A. Cornick3, Ehsan Daneshvar4, Gemma Hildred5 (1. Chemostrat Ltd
Tuesday 3:40 pm to 5 pm 361B
Gulf of Mexico Offshore Field Studies
Room 361B Session Chairs Linda Sternbach, Robert Merrill
3:40 p.m. WITHDRAWN: Winterfell: An integrated approach to exploiting hydrocarbons from the Green Canyon Miocene Dan Huffman1,
4:05 p.m. Orderly structural control of reservoir tank configurations, black oil geochemistry, and hydrocarbon column heights at the resource-dense Shenandoah Field, inboard Wilcox trend, Central US GoM Austin Boles1, Jacob Bayer1, Eric Beckham1, James Lambuth1, Matt V. Griend1, Ryan Murphy1, Andrew Fuhrmann1, Dan Huffman1,
4:30 p.m. Elucidating Quaternary high-frequency depositional sequences and incised valley evolution using high-resolution 3D seismic data: northwestern Gulf of Mexico, USAJacob D. Maag1, Heather Bedle1 1. School of Geosciences, University of Oklahoma
4:55 p.m. Amplitude anomaly trends in the central (GC, GB, AT, and MC) Gulf of Mexico area Stephen Cossey1, Katya Casey1, Marel Sanchez1 1. U3 Explore, Durango, CO