From the Editor- January 2019

The New Year...

  The Houston Geological Society yearly cycle is half over, and it has been quite a whirl so far.  We have had a range of technical topics at our meetings, and the successful biennial Africa Symposium and social events.  More topical technical seminars are coming, along with the usual variety of technical meeting presentations.  The late summer excitement about the possible sunsetting of the legislation authorizing the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists demonstrated the effectiveness of concerted action by many geoscientists of varied technical occupations.  Geoscience licensing in Texas looks like it will be reauthorized in the coming legislative session, but is not approved yet.  We will keep Bulletin readers informed.

If you think you know your large oil fields and like word games, here is one from ExxonMobil:

Finally, have you seen any good geo vanity license plates lately?  If so, send along a picture.  See the January Bulletin for this month’s geo car tag.

And volunteer for something this month.