HGS E & E Meeting: TBPG Professional Ethics Training

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A minimum of one hour of Professional Ethics per year is required for renewal of a Texas Professional Geoscientist (PG) license or a Geoscientist-In-Training (GIT) certification.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Craft Republic Houston11470 Westheimer Rd.
Social 5:30 p.m., Dinner 6:30 p.m., Presentation 7:30- 9:00 p.m.
Cost: $35 Pre-registered members; $40 non-members & ALL walk-ups
To guarantee a seat, you must pre-register on the HGS website and pay with a credit card.  You may walk up and pay at the door if extra seats are available.  Please cancel by phone or email within 24 hours before the event for a refund. Online & pre-registration closes Wednesday the 8th, at 5:00 a.m.


Speaker: Danny Kingham, PG, GSI Environmental Inc.

TBPG Professional Ethics Training

Geoscience work performed for the public must be performed competently and ethically as it may affect publicly shared natural resources and put public, assets, and property at risk.   A minimum of one hour of Professional Ethics per year is required for renewal of a Texas Professional Geoscientist (PG) license or a Geoscientist-In-Training (GIT) certification.  This fun-filled, action-packed Ethics Training Seminar will provide an overview of the ethical standards set by the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientist (TBPG) and will satisfy the ethics credit requirements for your C&E records.


                 About the Speaker:

Ms. Danny Kingham is a Senior Hydrogeologist and the Corporate Health and Safety Administrator at GSI Environmental Inc.  Ms. Kingham is an Appointed Member to TBPG and a registered PG in Texas, Louisiana, and New York, with over 18 years of professional experience.  Ms. Kingham is actively involved in environmental issues related to carbon capture and sequestration, including the development of USEPA UIC Class VI permit applications and the application of federal and state guidelines on environmental monitoring and verification programs.  She has managed large litigation projects regarding environmental impacts related to oil and gas operations, emerging contaminants, chemical and manufacturing facilities, landfills, pipelines, and air emissions throughout the US and abroad.  Ms. Kingham is an expert in site investigations at residential and commercial/industrial properties, including chemical manufacturing plants and oil and gas facilities, under various state and federal regulatory programs.

November 8th, 2023 5:00 PM
Craft Republic Houston
11470 Westheimer Rd.
Houston, TX 77077
United States
Event Fee(s)
E&E Meetings 2022-2023
HGS Member $ 35.00
Non-HGS Member $ 40.00
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Event Contact
Contact Matthew Cowan
Contact Phone (713) 777-0534
contact Email mrcowan1@hal-pc.org

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Event Owner Environmental & Engineering
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