From the Editor | February 2021

Houston’s Hidden Gem

Hello friends of geology,

This month I’m continuing with my theme of hidden gems in and around Houston. With restrictions and uncertainty about indoor activities still ever present, one of the few silver linings has been finding the parks and campgrounds I didn’t know existed.  This month I was introduced to a new park by a Kingwood native. On the very northwestern tip of Lake Houston lies Lake Houston Wilderness Park. Situated within two tributaries, the 4,787 acre park provides hikes akin to something our more mountainous friends would appreciate, or at least acknowledge as a hike! Some of you will recognize the site as the former Peach Creek Girl Scout Camp.  

The map below shows the main hike offered (taken from, the images are captured from Google Maps), totaling just over 10 miles with easy yet variable terrain to overcome. The hike begins with the Ameri-Trail, a ~5-mile route that hugs the western tributary bounding the park, with the path changing from woodlands, to sandy trails to effectively step-stoning our way through a swap. Just to note – the path had basked in a week of January sunshine yet was still submerged in many places.

At the southern most tip of the hike, you lean away from the tributaries and soon head north along the most descriptive path; 5 Mile Road. Whilst the path is every bit of 5 miles, the “road” component of the name is a mis-representation of the peaceful nature of the hike. Vehicles are not allowed on the first 4.9 miles and instead you have solid footing and a clear walkway in the middle of the forest to enjoy. Park website:

Keep well, hopefully see you soon,