BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/Chicago METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:HGS University of Houston Sheriff Lecture " Seismi c Geomorphology of Ancient Earthscapes - Strengthe ning our Perspectives of Deep Time and Clarifying Our Role in the World’s Future" DESCRIPTION:HGS and the University of Houston Earth Sciences D epartment \;host the annual Robert Sheriff Lec ture\n \n Norris Conference Center \;Town and Country Bvd\, Houston TX\n \n November 11\, 2024\n \n 5:00 \;pm to 9:00 pm\n \n Seismic Geomorph ology of Ancient Earthscapes - Strengthening our P erspectives of Deep Time and Clarifying Our Role i n the World&rsquo\;s Future\n \n Speaker: Dr. Lesl i Wood\, Robert J. Weimer Chair\, Dept of Geology and Geological Engineering\, Colorado School of Mi nes\n \n &ldquo\;Fathoming deep time is arguably g eology&rsquo\;s single greatest contribution to hu manity. &hellip\;geology provides a lens through w hich we can witness time in a way that transcends the limits of our human experiences.&rdquo\;   \;This quote from Marcia Bjornerud&rsquo\;s book T imefulness captures our role as geoscientists\, to bring a knowledge of the deep-time past to bear o n the present. \; If geology is the lens throu gh which we witness\, then seismic data is the mus e under the scope. \; Advances in seismic imag ing of ancient rocks and in our ability to display and render visual\, past landscapes and seascapes provides a window through which to view the histo ry of the Earth. \; These insights bring a res ponsibility to facilitate conversations on not jus t the geomorphology of the past\, but on how those Earthscapes have been impacted by natural and ant hropogenic forces. This talk will look at our amaz ing ability to see the ancient geomorphology of th e Earth. \; We will examine ancient landscapes from the Mesozoic of Australia and the North Sea\ , Cretaceous canyons of northeastern South America \, submarine mountains of mud and deep ocean canyo ns in offshore Trinidad and Tobago\, carbonates sy stems of the West Texas Permian Basin\, and parali c systems of the Guyana/Suriname regions. We will discuss how to integrate those seismic observation s with learnings from modern systems study and mod eling to quantify processes active in the past.&nb sp\; This talk will also discuss the role of geosc ientists in conversations of society&rsquo\;s impa ct on the Earth and Earth&rsquo\;s processes\, and geoscientists&rsquo\; unique perspective on the r ole of human society in the evolution of the plane t. \n \n \n \n  \;\n \n Speaker:\n \n \n \n Dr . Lesli Wood\, Robert J. Weimer Chair\, Dept of Ge ology and Geological Engineering\, Colorado School of Mines\n \n Contact:\n \n Bio:& nbsp\; /\n \n  \; CATEGORIES:Meeting CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241111T170000 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241111T170000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241111T210000 LOCATION:Norris Conference Center\n 816 Town & Country Blvd .\, Suite 210\n Houston\, TX 77024\n United States \n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR